This laboratory has the ability to calibrate caliber types, micrometers, measuring clocks, radiometer, sieve, applicator, grandiometer, grand piano, projector profile, alignment, gonias, metal ruler, ruler, tape measure and laser, thickness gauge, film, shablon Gear and Pitch, Control Gauge, Welding Gauge, Filler, Cross Cut, Cryptometer, Microscope, Altimeter, Protractor and more. It is worth mentioning that this lab has the ability to measure two-dimensional dimensions by a 200 mm x 200mm VMM device.

برخی از مشتریان ما


Contact us

Address: The second right plaque - Second Sq. Left - Bushehr Special Economic Zone

Management Ebrahim Shakerdargah

Office phone: 07733447375

Phone management : 07733447376

FAX : 07733447378