Human resources, energy and materials are the most important components of a civilized, advanced and developed society. The various components of each of these resources are important in various fields of human life. It is difficult or almost impossible to imagine a society without the benefit of these resources. To the extent that these resources bring and benefit the human community, it will be equally as much as the economic benefits and welfare of that society. Knowledge about the health of people in the community and control of this health, control of the correct use of energy and its components, as well as the proper control of the use of material resources and its components is the responsibility of measuring instruments.

Metrology as a measure of knowledge of the definition and investigation of measurable quantities (scientific metrology) to the construction, use, maintenance and control of measuring instruments (industrial metrology), and the protection and guarantee of consumers' rights to the use and operation of devices Measurement (legal metrology) plays a decisive role.

The temperature and humidity calibration laboratory, using the appropriate references as well as experienced experts in this plant, is ready to render services in the field of calibration of temperature equipment in the temperature range of 20 to 1200 ° C.


برخی از مشتریان ما


Contact us

Address: The second right plaque - Second Sq. Left - Bushehr Special Economic Zone

Management Ebrahim Shakerdargah

Office phone: 07733447375

Phone management : 07733447376

FAX : 07733447378